WP3 - Sensing and robotics
The development of diagnostic methods is fundamental and transversal to the practice of occupational medicine and health. These methods allow for the early detection of pathologies to treat them effectively, more economically, and with a significant impact on the patient's quality of life. However, it is necessary to create new solutions that better respect their physical condition and the conditions of ergonomics and usability, with faster and more active feedback. WP 03 (A3. Sensing and robotics) aims to develop new products and innovative technological solutions for health in the following areas of activity:
- prevention and diagnosis (e.g. device for diagnosing and monitoring patients with respiratory pathologies, development of a urological sensor with wireless connection for monitoring intra-urinary pressure);
- rehabilitation products (e.g. textile devices for neuromuscular rehabilitation based on electromyography and electrostimulation, orthopedic device for the treatment of lymphedema);
- technologies for hospital management and drug administration (e.g. automatic drug management and distribution systems).